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11th PRC in AP – Fitment, Salaries and Pay Revisions

AP Government is all set to announce 29 percent fitment for its employees. PRC (Pay Revision Commission) report is almost ready with the proposals of pay hike for AP Government employees. With 29 percent fitment, the minimum salary of the Government employees will be around Rs.21000.

Less than 2015 hike:

Government of AP has implemented 42 percent firment in 2015. 20 percent DA announced by the Government will come into force from 1st June 2019.

With 29 percent fitment new salaries will be as follows:

Minimum salary: Rs.21000
Maximum salary: Rs.1,86,510

Rate of increment will be around 3 perecent. Annual increment will be minimum Rs.640 and maximum 4450. These are the important recommendations of 11th Pay Revision Commission of Government of Andhra Pradesh.

PRC Chairman Ashotosh Mishra has received proposals from various sections of employees before finalising the recommendations. Employee associations have asked for 30-60 percent fitment. PRC report will be submitted to the new government to be formed after 23 May 2019.

New PRC salaries are applicable for state government employees of local bodies, aided institutions, ANGRAU, JNTU teaching and non teaching staff, work charged employees, full time contingent employees. Employees of Government and private aided colleges, university staff are not included in PRC categories.

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