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1B Records to replace Pattadar Pass Books in Andhra Pradesh

The Government of Andhra Pradesh is proposed to replace the existing pattadar passbook system with new revenue record system. The Pattadar Passbooks will be replaced by 1B Records that are being issued by the Revenue officials for various purposes. The delays in issuing Pattadar Passbooks has lead the Government of AP to rethink over the system. The Government is also proposed to bring in new revenue code system.

The Government of AP has made all the revenue / land data in the state online. The data also has been linked with Aadhaar card numbers. With this the officials of revenue and banks can check the land data of farmers very easily and issue required certificates and user benefits.

The online system is also making Pattadar Passbook system irrelevant. The 1B Records can be used for almost all the purposes that are being served by Pattadar Pass Books. Though the Government has amended the land record laws several times, the benefits have not been received by the farmers due to delays in revenue system.

According to the new proposals, the sub registrars will be given with the power of notional auto mutation. This is likely to remove the problems in mutation process. The revenue officials are also in support of making 1B records equivalent to Pattadar Pass Books.

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