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Aadhaar in Andhra Pradesh linked to PDS

The Government of Andhra Pradesh has linked the Aadhaar UID Cards to access essential commodities through Public Distribution System (PDS). The ration card holders in AP can now access the ration by giving their finger prints. The first experiment of linking Aadhaar to PDS System has been started in ration shops in East Godavari district of Andhra Pradesh.

The Aadhaar UID number linked ration distribution has been launched in East Godavari as a pilot project in 47 ration shops. The initiative is aimed at ensuring that the subsidized commodities should reach the genuine beneficiaries. The procedure may also cut down paper work along with procedures. The AP has implemented online application procedure for Aadhaar Enrollment.

The ration card holders in the district can now get their ration by giving their finger prints. The unique electronic equipment known as PDS – point of sale would be used to take fingerprints of the beneficiaries online and match them to the finger prints at the time of Aadhaar enrollment and issue clearance. The machine does not require internet connection and uses GPRS (General Packet Radio Service) screen.

The district of East Godavari has the record of enrolling 99 percent of population for Aadhaar Cards. All the BPL families in the state are given a monthly quota of 35 kg of rice from fair price shops. About 50 districts have been identified to implement the project, but East Godavari is the first district to implement it successfully.

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