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Ajmera Rekha MLA Profile – Khanapur Constituency

Smt. Ajmera Rekha is a Member of Telangana Legislative Assembly (MLA) from Nirmal district, Khanapur constituency. She has been elected as member of Telangana Legislative Assembly from 2014-2018 and has again been elected under the same post in 2018.

Ajmera Rekha has also served as Chairman of Committee on Welfare of Women, Children, Disabled and Old Aged under Telangana Legislature from 26th May, 2016 to 6th September, 2018. She again served under the same role in 2019.

Personal Details:

Smt. Ajmera Rekha was born on 19th February, 1974 in Hyderabad. Her parents are Sri Shanker and Smt. Shyamala. She is married to Sri Ajmera Shyam and they have a son and a daughter.

Educational Qualifications:

Ajmera Rekha studies BA from Vanita Mahavidyalaya and MA from Osmania University. She also has a LLB from Padala Ram Reddy College.

Permanent Address:

H.No. 13-124, Rajivnagar, Khanapur, Nirmal District – 504203

Contact Numbers:

9000236888; 9949420666

Email Addresses:


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