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APGLI Policy Bond Download for AP Government Employees

The APGLI (Andhra Pradesh Government Life Insurance) Department is for the welfare of the employees of the state government. The APGLI issues health cards to its employees which can be downloaded from the website of the organisation at http://www.apgli.ap.gov.in/ . Following is the step by step process to download APGLI cards:

1) Enter your APGLI policy number in the box / space provided for policy number.

2) Type A / B / C / D in suffix

3) Enter date of birth

4) Enter the number (captcha) shown in the image.

5) Click on ‘Get Policy Bond’Now you will be able to download the APGLI policy bond.

Check if you have any problem with your browser that may be obstructing download.

1) Firefox users: The browser may block pop up windows which do not allow downloads. Then you click on the options and menu bar and select allow pop – ups for www.apgli.gov.in. Now you will be able to download APGLI card.

2) Chrome users: You may be seeing pop – up blocked message on the menu bar. Click on that and selecte allow pop-up. Now download the APGLI card.

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