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Check Your Personality Through Facebook Likes

Researchers at University of Cambridge have developed a online tool to check the personality of an individual through likes on his / her facebook account. The researchers have built a tool that uses Facebook likes to identify key psychological traits of a person, their religious beliefs and political views and intelligence and happiness. The tool is named as Apply Magic Sauce.

The University of Cambridge managed Psychometrics Centre developed this online tool that uses Facebook ‘likes’ to build up a picture of your personality.

The “Apply Magic Sauce” online tool uses Facebook ‘likes’ to estimate various traits like gender, intelligence, life satisfaction, sexual preference and political and religious preferences, as well as guessing education and relationship status of an individual.

The web tool also evaluates a person with regard to his or her openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness and neuroticism. A comprehensive understanding of all these traits tell whether a person is impulsive or organised, conservative or liberal and so on.

You can also try the tool by visiting the Apply Magic Sauce website. You need to login to the website through Facebook login as it needs your Facebook data for analysis.

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