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Documents and Certificates Required for Aadhaar Enrolment

This article will provide you information on the documents or certificates to be attached or produced in the process of enrollment for Aadhaar Cards. Though there are small variations in Aadhaar requirements at the state level in different states, following are the general certificates to be produced by all the members of the family for Aadhaar Unique ID enrollment. There are only three important proofs or copies of certificates you need to provide while applying for Aadhaar cards. These are Proof of Address, Identity and Proof of Age (This may be optional). Following are the accepted proofs:

For Proof of Name and Identity: You just need any one prrof from the below list which contain your name and photo:

1. Voter ID
2. PAN card
3. Ration / PDS photo card
4. Passport
5. Pensioner photo card
6. Driving license
7. Photo ID issued by recognised educational institute
8. Bank ATM card with Photo
9. NREGS job card
10. Government photo ID cards
11. Arms license
12. Kisan photo passbook
13. Photo credit card
14. Freedom fighter photo card
15. Address card having name photo issued bu department of post.
16. CGHS /ECHS photo card
17. Certificate of identity having photo issued by group A gazetted officer in letterhead

Proof of Address: You need any one from the below proofs:

1. Passport
2. Insurance Policy
3. Telephone Landline Bill (not older than 3 months)
4. Post Office Account Statement/ Passbook
5. Bank Statement / Passbook
6. Voter ID / Driving License
7. Water bill (not older than 3 months)
8. Government Photo ID cards
9. Ration Card
10. Arms License
11. Property Tax Receipt (not older than 3 months)
12. NREGS Job Card
13. Electricity Bill (not older than 3 months)
14. Signed Letter having Photo issued by registered Company on letterhead
15. Freedom Fighter Card
16. CGHS / ECHS Card
17. Credit Card Statement (not older than 3 months)
18. Signed Letter having Photo issued by Recognized Educational Instruction on letterhead
19. Pensioner Card
20. Signed Letter having Photo from Bank on letterhead
21. Vehicle Registration Certificate
22. Address Card having Photo issued by Department of Posts
23. Certificate of Address issued by Village Panchayat head or its equivalent authority (for rural areas)
24. Income Tax Assessment Order
25. Certificate of Address having photo issued by MP or MLA or Group A Gazetted Officer on letterhead
26. Kissan Passbook
27. Registered Sale / Lease / Rent Agreement
28. Caste and Domicile Certificate having Photo issued by State Govt.

Proof of Date of Birth: You need to submit any one from the list below:

1. Passport
2. Birth Certificate
3. SSLC Book / Certificate
4. Certificate of Date of Birth issued by Group A Gazetted Officer on letterhead

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