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Eenadu Pellipandiri Reddy and Kapu Matrimonial Meets

Eenadu Pellipandiri is organising Reddy Matrimonial Meet at Ongole on 31st July 2011. Interested people can register their details with any of the Eenadu Pellipandiri representative. Eenadu Pellipandiri is a online matrimonial portal (www.eenadupellipandiri.net) with large database of Brides and Bridegrooms. Those participated in the meet will get a booklet containing details of brides and bride grooms. Following are details of registration and venue for the meet:

1. Venue: Sri Balaji TIrupati Rao Kalyana Mandapam A/C, Opposite Old ZP Office, South Bypass Junction.
2. Registration Address: Eenadu Office, Near Power Office, Lambadi Donka, Kurnool Road, Ongole.
3. Contact No: 8008551139 / 8008551138 / 08592 – 282438.
4. Website: www.eenadupellipandiri.net

Interested people can contact at above numbers for registration fee and other details. Last date for registrations is 25th July 2011.

Kapu, Telaga Meet: Eenadu Pellipandiri is also organising Matrimonial Meet for Kapu / Telaga Professionals on 23rd July 2011 at RTC Kalabhavan, Bagh Lingampally, Hyderabad. Software professionals, Doctors, Engineers, CAs, MBAs, Lawyers, Teachers and other professionals can register for the meet. For details of registration:

1. Contact at: 8008882599 / 040 – 4905 1234.
2. Venue: RTC Kalabhavan, Baghlingampalli, Hyderabad
3. Website: www.eenadupellipandiri.net

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