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Exit Polls in Tamil Nadu, Kerala, West Bengal and Assam – 2016

Following are the details of exit polls in five states went for Assembly elections on 16th May 2016. The exit polls have predicted return of Karunanidhi lead DMK in Tamilnadu, victory for LDF (Left Democratic Front) in Kerala, win for BJP is Assam, and TMC of Mamata Banerjee in West Bengal. The counting will be done on 19th May 2016.

Tamil Nadu Exit Polls: India Today, News Nation predicted win for DMK while Times Now gone for AIADMK win with 139 seats.

Kerala: All the leading polls like India Today, India TV and Times Now have predicted win for LDF but News Nation is in favour of UDF with just a seat majority.

West Bengal: All the exit polls like ABP – Ananda, India Today – Axis, News Nation, India TV – C Voter, Times Now C Voter, Chanakya and NDTV have predicted big win for TMC of Mamata Banerjee.

For Assam also, all the exit polls are in favour of BJP. The polls predicted comfortable majority for BJP lead NDA in Assom. We have to wait till 19th May to get the real verdict. In Puducherry, DMK – Congress lead alliance is likely to win the elections.

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