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Free Registration facility for Gannavaram Farmers

Good news for the farmers of Gannavaram in Krishna district of Andhra Pradesh. Government of Andhra Pradesh has announced free land registration facility for farmers who have participated in land pooling for the extension of Gannavaram International Airport.

Exemption from Stamp Duty:

Stamp duty and other fee will be exempted for the farmers during registration of their share of land at registrar offices. This facility is applicable for the owners of returnable plots, ventures and developers.

Benefit to these villages:

With this the land transactions between AP – CRDA and Gannavaram farmers will take momentum. Farmers from Kesarapalli, Agnampudi, Davajigudem, Buddhavaram, Chi Avutapalli, Allapuram villages have submitted their lands for the extension of airport.

Farmers have requested local revenue authorities to exempt registration and other charges for the registration of returnable plots to be given to them by CRDA. Government has approved this request and issued orders for the same.

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