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Free Smart Phones Scheme to DWCRA Women in AP

It is raining freebies in Andhra Pradesh signalling the season of elections. The Telugu Desam Party Government has announced free smart phone scheme for the women of self help groups in the state.

Three years free connection:

AP Government has decided ot give smart phones to all the 94 lakhs DWCRA group members in the state. Apart from cell phones, they will also get free mobile connection for three years.

Cell Phones to All:

Government of AP has estimated the number of poor families in the state at 1.43 crores. It is aimed at providing free cell phones all these families in the future. It costs Rs.7175 crores to the government to give mobile phone to each poor family.

The guidelines will be framed by the Government regarding free smart phone scheme. In the first phase, only DWCRA groups and its members will get smart phones and the same will be extended all the poor families in lates stages. A Government sponsored agency will oversee the implementation of the scheme.

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