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Jagananna Chedodu Scheme Beneficiaries List and Status Check

Government of Andhra Pradesh has announced the beneficiaries list of Jagananna Chedodu scheme 2020. The list is available in the Village Secretariats of the districts concerned. Jagananna Chedodu scheme is aimed providing financial assistance to the Nayee Brahmins (Hair Dressing), Rangrej (Tailors) and Rajaka (Laundry).

Rs. 10000 per year:

As per the scheme guidelines, AP Government will give Rs.10000 every year for the above mentioned beneficiaries. The Government will support the economically weaker section of the state through this scheme.

Jagananna Chedodu Scheme aims at providing financial assistance to nayee brahmins, tailors and laundry persons.

Into bank accounts:

The amount of the scheme will be directly credited into the bank accounts of beneficiaries. The beneficiaries have to link their bank accounts with aadhaar. For any help, you can contact village sachivalayam staff for assistance.

Jagananna Chedodu Scheme at a glance:

Scheme NameJagananna Chedodu
BeneficiariesNayee Brahmins, tailors and hair dressers
Scheme amountRs.10000
Disbursement durationEvery year
Disbursement modeCredit into bank account
For AssistanceContact Grama Sachivalayam of the village
ApplicationOnline Application / Village Sachivalayam
Aim of the schemeTo uplift the weaker sections of society
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