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Jawahar Bal Bhavan Balasree Awards

The Jawahar Bal Bhavan has invited applications / entries for Balasree Awards for the year 2011. The Balasree awards will be given at Local, Regional adn National Levels. Children selected at local level will take part in regional competition and so on. The local competitions in theater arts, fine arts, creative writing and scientific innovations would be held on 20th and 21st of July 2011.

Children who are members of Jawahar Bal Bhavan and aged between 9 and 16 years are only eligible. Last ate for submission of entries is 18th July 2011. Jawahar Bal Bhavan is a non profit organisation established for the promotion of fine arts and creativity in the school gong children. The Bal Bhavans conduct various camps and competitions for bringing out the innate talent in the children.

The Jawahar Bal Bhawan also awards Bal Rathan and Bala Surya Honours for children. More details of Jawahar Bal Bhavan an its activities can be obtained from the website Jawahar Bal Bhavan, Public Garden, Prender Ghast Road, Nampally, Nampally, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh – 500004. Phone: 040 – 23233956. Website: http://www.jawaharbalbhavan.com .

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