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LTC Facility for Railway Employees as per 7th PRC

Good news for the lakhs of Railway employees. For the first time, Railway employees can avail Leave Travel Concession (LTC) thanks to the recommendations of Seventh Pay Commission. The DoPT (Department of Personnel and Training) has issued orders to this effect.

According to the existing LTC instructions of the Government, the employees in the railways are not eligible to avail LTC as they are utilising the free pass facility for their families. 7th Pay Commission has included them under the LTC purview. The Railway employees on deputation also will be eligible for LTC facility.

The DoPT in consultation with Ministry of Railways has decided to allow Railway employees to avail LTC once in every four years. This is an all India LTC and employees can use as an optional choice. The order also says that the Railway employees are not eligible for Home Town LTC.

Another important instruction is that the employees those availing LTC have to surrender the Privilege Passes (concessional or free tickets) in the calendar year in which they like to avail the LTC facility. They can avail other passes like duty pass, school pass and special passes on medical grounds etc. LTC will not be allowed to employees if they have already availed Privilege Pass.

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