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Profile and Biodata of M Venkaiah Naidu – Union Minister

Muppavarapu Venkaiah Naidu is a Union Minister for Urban Development and Parliamentary Affairs. M. Venkaiah Naidu OR Venkaiah is a prolific speaker and articulator. He is senior leader of BJP and served in various top positions of the party. Following is the brief profile / biodata of Venkaiah Naidu:

1) Venkaiah Naidu born on 1st July 1949.
2) He worked in RSS from his childhood.
3) President of Student Union at Andhra University during 1973-74
4) Convenor of Andhra Pradesh wing of Lok Nayak Jaya Prakash Narayan Yuvajana Chattra Sangarsh Samithi during 1974.

5) 1977 – 80: President of Youth Wing of Janata party for Andhra Pradesh
6) 1978 – 85: Member of Legislative Assembly in Andhra Pradesh for two terms.
7) 1980-85: Legislative party Leader of BJP in Andhra Pradesh Assembly.
8) 1985-88: General Secretary of BJP Andhra Pradesh Unit
9) 1988 – 93: President of BJP Andhra Pradesh Unit.
10) 1993 – 2000: National General Secretary of BJP

11) Secretary of BJP Parliamentary Party
12) Secretary of BJP Election Commission
13) Official Spokesperson of BJP
14) 1998 onwards: Member of Rajya Sabha for three terms from Karnataka
15) 2000 – 2002: Union Minister for Rural Development
16) 2002 – 2004: National President of BJP
17) 2005 Onwards: National Vice President of BJP
18) 2014 Onwards: Union Minister for Urban Development, Housing and Parlaimentary Affairs.

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