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Protecting Mobile from viruses

Social Nerworking through mobile phones is catching up across the world. Social Networking services like Facebook, Orkut, Twitter are offering most of the services through advanced mobile phones. One can post tweets, accept friend request of Facebook, check Inbox and download favourite chartbusters with just a finger click from mobile keypad. The trend is spreading fast as film, sports and Television celebrities are using these services extensively through 3G Phones.
With growing popularity of Social Networking through mobile phones, hackers also eyeing on the latest technology to show their metal. Hackers have been successful in disabling all favourite features of your latest mobile through viruses. These viruses are as much effective as your PC viruses and capable of sending bulk spam messages and even destroy your mobile memory. Viruses are being transmitted through internet downloads, MMS and Bluetooth Data Transfer.

Here are some useful tips to protect your mobile from hackers and viruses…. 1. Disable your Bluetooth device at public places. 2. Update with latest Security versions regularly. 3. You must install effective anti – virus software. It is always useful to install and enable anti virus software that comes along with Operating System. 4. You must be careful while transfering data from your mobile to another electronic device. Never install unsolicited software applications that comes into your mobile as an attachment.

PIN Number also a key issue in protecting your mobile from viruses. Format a complex PIN number with morethan five numbers. Never feed personal information like Bank details, Credit Card numbers, Passwords etc in you mobile. Ensure text message boxes and calender entries folders always kept clean. If there are any important messages need to be saved, you can forward them to your email address or save them in system hard disk. Keep browser history folder always empty and clean.

Never feed birthdays info and email ids of your friends and family members in your mobile. This will create problems to them also in case the mobile is hacked. If it is inevitable to keep any personal info in your phone, encrypting the data will be a good protective measure. Always keep a back up of your data on you PC. You can also use external memory cards to store important info like Bank Passwords, Medical Info etc. and delete the same from your mobile.

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