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Sonia Gandhi is 12th richest leader – says Huffington Post

Sonia Gandhi 12th Richest There are many in India and the world who believe that the President of a political party which is ruling the largest democracy in the world is leading very simple life and averse to amassing wealth. Yes, we are talking about the Congress Party President Sonia Gandhi.

In a stunning report, Huffington Post World has listed Sonia Gandhi as the 12th richest political leader in the world. The Huffington Post World report said that Sonia Gandhi 2 billion USD worth wealth. In that terms, Sonia is even richer than Elizabeth II, the Queen of England and Bashar Al-Assad, President of Syria.

The richest political leaders list includes several kings, presidents, sultans and queens with most of them are from Middle East region. To HuffPost derived the rankings comparing country’s GDP per capita with a leader’s personal net worth.

Sonia Gandhi is ranked 12th richest in the world as per the GDP and personal net worth ration calculation. In a complete contrast to this, the National Election Watch website of the Association for Democratic Rights mentioned that Sonia Gandhi has assets worth Rs 1.38 crore apart from 2.5 kg of gold and 88 kg of silver. As expected, Sonia does not own a car!

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