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Special Trains and Buses to Godavari Pushkaralu

South Central Railway (SCR) and Government of Telangana have arranged special trains for buses for Godavari Pushkarams 2015. The SCR has started 825 special traines from Secunderabad to ease off the Godavari Pushkaram rush. The TSRTS also planned hundreds of bus services to Pushkaram Ghats.

The Special trains will be traveling to Rajahmundry, Kovvur, Basara, Bhadrachalam Road, Manchiryal, Ramagundam railway stations. The trains will be available in unreserved and reserved categories for various stations. The trains schedule will be available on the SCR website www.scr.indianrailways.gov.in .

The Telangana government has also started 2270 special buses for Godavari Pushkarams. The buses will be available for Basar, Rajahmundry, Kovvur, Narsapuram, Bhadrachalam, Dharmapuri and other locations. The bus services will start from Jubilee Bus Stand everyday.

Following are the bus charges for the Godavari Pushkaram locations from Hyderabad:
1) MGBS / JBS to Basar: Rs. 260
2) MGBS / JBS to Pochampad: Rs. 255
3) MGBS / JBS to Dharmapuri: Rs. 300
4) MGBS / JBS to Kaleswaram: Rs. 385

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