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Telangana Govt Land Regularisation Scheme Application Procedure and Guidelines 2015

The Government of Telangana State has decided to regularise the residential houses constructed in Government lands in Telangana. The Government has issued GOs 58 and 59 for this purpose on 30th December 2014. The applications for house regularisation are available in the concerned offices of the district collector and tahasildar (MRO). Following are guidelines and eligibility requirements:

1) The house should be in maximum 125 sq. yrds. plot to be eligible for regularisation. Annual income of the family should be less than Rs. 2 lakhs in towns and Rs. 1.5 lakhs in villages.

2) The residence should be in government lands or in the lands comes under the urban land ceiling act.
3) The residential houses should have been constructed before 2nd June 2014.

4) The scheme is also applicable for those houses in more than 125 sq.yards. For 250 yards residences, they have to pay 50 percent of the price decided by the registration department. For a residence in 500 sq. yards, the occupant has to pay 75 percent of the price and for more than 500 sq. yards houses, people can regularise through paying total price as decided by the registration department.

The applications should be enclosed with Aadhaar Card, registered documents or receipt of property tax, or power bill or water connection bill or any other proof of residence.

The applications will be accepted within 20 days from the issue of this notification. The houses will be regularised in the name of women in the concerned houses.

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