1) Geographical area: 1,14,840 Sq.K.M.
2) Total Population: 3.519 crores
3) Density of population: 307 per sq.k.m.
4) Per Capita Income: Rs. 83020
5) Literacy: 66.46 percent
6) Male population: 1.749 crores (49.8 percent)
7) Female population: 1.77 crores (50.2 percent)
8) Male – Female Ratio: 988 women per 1000 men.
9) Banks and Branches: 3758
10) Libraries: 1469
11) Power Generation Capacity: 8337 Megawatts
12) Daily Consumption of power: 6600 megawatts
13) Power demand in 2014-15: 7260 megawatts
14) National Highways: 1595 KMs
15) State Highways: 3295 KMs
16) Main District Roads: 12389 KMs
17) Roads in rural areas: 7348 KMs
18) Major, Medium and Minor Industries: 1,03,571
19) Food grain production: 99 Metric Lakhs Tonnes
20) Primary Health Centers: 668
21) Completed projects: 10
22) Projects under construction: 27
23) Funds required to complete pending projects: Rs. 76642 crores
24) Cultivated Land: 56.90 Lakhs Hectares
25) Canal Irrigated Land: 5,03,887 Hectares
26) Lake irrigated land: 3,05,254 Hectares