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Train Ticket Booking Through Mobile SMS to 139 or 5676714

Here is a good news for train travelers. You need not go to reservation center to book a ticket for train journey. You can do that with a SMS from your mobile. Only thing you need to do is send SMS to 139 or 5676714. This is the latest venture of the IRCTC to make ticket booking hassle free.

Following is the step by step procedure to book tickets through SMS from your mobile phone:

1. Integrate your mobile number with your bank account.
2. Your bank will send you money identifier (MMID) and One Time Password (OTP).
3. Register Your Mobile ID with IRCTC.
4. Send the details of Train Number, Arrival Station, Date of Journey, Class, Name, Age and Gender to 139 OR 5676714 in the form of SMS.
5. Then you will receive a transaction ID with booking details.
6. Send ‘PAY’ along with details of transaction ID, MMID and OTP through SMS.
7. Each SMS will be charger Rs.3 and Transaction charges are Rs. 5 for tickets worth Rs.5000 and below and Rs.10 for transactions worth more than Rs.5000 .

RBI and National Payment Corporation of India (NPCI) are trying to make the process more convenient and hassle free.

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