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TTD Special Darshan for Infants, Disabled and Aged people

Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanams (TTD) is providing ‘Special Darshan’ facility for some sections of devotees. Parents with infants, physically disabled persons and aged persons can avail this Special Darshan facility to see the Lord Venkateswara. This special darshan is arranged through a separate gate at the ‘Maha Dwaram’. The Maha Dwaram is located at the entrance of the main temple. All these sections of pilgrims can be accompanied by an attendant also, if necessary.

You can contact at this address and phone numbers for further details and clarifications: Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanams, TTD Administrative Building, K.T. Road, Tirupati 517 501, Andhra Pradesh, India.

Phone Numbers: Phone: +91-877-2233333 / +91-877-2277777.
Toll Free Number: 18004254141

For more details, you can visit http://www.ttdsevaonline.com/ OR www.tirupati.org OR www.tirumala.org

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