Annadata Sukhibhava 2nd Phase Payment Status and Account Update
With the successful implementation of first phase of Annadatha Sukhibhava, Government of Andhra Pradesh has set to announce Second Phase of the scheme. 2nd round payment of amount under Annadatha Sukhibhava may be launched any time in March 2019. As the election notification is on the cards, AP Government may announce 2nd phase of Annadatha Sukhibhava before 10th March 2019.

2nd Phase Payment Satus Check:
As like in first phase, beneficiaries of Annadatha Sukhibhava can check the payment status for second phase also through The same portal is used for 2nd round of disbursal under Annadatha Sukhibhava.
Account Update:
Farmers who have received money in the first phase need not worry about the 2nd phase amount. They will get the amount as usual to their bank accounts. Farmers who have not received Annadatha Sukhibhava amount in first phase have to ensure that their bank accounts are updated with revenue officials.
Submit Zerox of Passbook:
Farmers have to contact nodal officers / agriculture officers / revenue officers at MRO offices to link or update bank account with aadhaar number. Farmers have to carry a zerox copy of the bank passbook. It has to be noted that there are more than 7 lakh accounts need to be updated as on date.
Also Read: Annadata Sukhibhava 2nd Round – Account Update Details
Check Payment Status with Aadhaar:
1) Log on to
3) Click ‘Aadhaar Based’
4) Enter your Aadhaar number to get OTP to the registered mobile number.
5) You will get the payment status / record displayed on the screen. If the payment is not done, it says ‘no data found’.
6) Then you can check the village / mandal wise records to find your name in ‘Accounts Need To Be Updated’ and follow the instructions to update the account.
Also Read: Annadatha Sukhibhava – Village, Mandal and District Wise Payment Status
Check Payment Status with Mobile Number Based:
1) Log in to
2) Click on ANNADATHA LOGIN on the menu
3) Click Mobile Number Based’
4) Enter your Registered mobile number to get OTP.
5) Enter OTP and you will get the payment status displayed on the computer screen. If the payment is not done, the message says ‘no data found’.
6) You can check the village / mandal wise records to find your name in ‘Accounts Need To Be Updated’ and follow the instructions to update the account.
7) If the payment is done successfully, the message – Payment Success – will appear on the screen.
i think , almost released 1st phase , i have not received, but personally submitted my KYC details to agriculture office, but it is not reflecting in payment status also amount not received..
When second phase funds are released from annadata sukhibava
Iam not get 1st&2nd phase amount of annadata sukeebhava .
When loging the portal says Adhar not registered with annadata sukeebhava. How to update..