
Economic Development of Andhra Pradesh during Pre-Independence Period

Historically the development of modern Andhra in terms of growth started with advent of major irrigation in Krishna and Godavari areas during the mid nineteenth century. The construction of major irrigation dams on the Krishna and Godavari rivers had greatly influenced the socio-economic conditions of coastal Andhra region. Particularly, agriculture became remunerative for peasant castes. … Read more


Administrative Reforms in Andhra Pradesh during Chandrababu Naidu period

Here are some of the administrative measures taken up by Chandrababu Naidu government to implement development policies effectively. At the operational level, the Government’s role would be transformed into that of a ‘facilitator’ and enabler of self-governance. “In order to provide transparent and people friendly administration and the government machinery being accountable to the people, … Read more


Institutional Arrangements to implement Janmabhoomi Program

The institutional framework for Janmabhoomi program was intended to realise the people centered development process, which is the essential meaning of the whole programme. The Government, local bodies, grassroots people’s institutions, the facilitating agencies including NGOs, academic institutions and the people themselves can participate as equal partners to facilitate such a process. The main mechanisms … Read more


Primary Education and Health under Janmabhoomi

Under the core area of primary education, the issues like access of all the children in the school going age to quality schooling, disparities between social and gender groups, low enrollment and low retention would be take-up under Janmabhoomi Programme. Village Education Committees have to play a vital role in planning, implementation and monitoring of … Read more