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Can 10 days delay stop Telangana

The latest buzz in the media that the President of India will consider extending time to discuss AP bifurcation bill has raised speculations over the possible delay in the process and consequent derail of the Telangana state formation. The reports quoting PTI says that President Pranab Mukherjee might give 10 more days to complete deliberations … Read more

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Strategic failures of YSR Congress Party

The political fortunes of YSR Congress are gradually fading with the week strategies on important issues related to bifurcation of Andhra Pradesh. The Party seemes to be on the backtrack on various decisions and rethinking on its strategies. 1) The party has been consistant on opposing discussion on T Bill in Assembly and Legislative Council. … Read more

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Dont Worry – It is not Final Bill on Telangana

Finally, the Home Ministry of Government of India has responded to the apprehensions raised by the state government over the bifurcation issue. The Home Ministry has told the state government not to worry over the perceived loopholes in the Bill as that is only a draft and final bill is yet to be prepared before … Read more

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TDP and TRS alliance after Assembly Elections 2014

Yes, what you are reading is true! This could be one of the strong possibilities and will be political scenario in Andhra Pradesh after Assembly Elections 2014. We would say this assuming that the state will not be bifurcated before the elections. The TRS will be the gainer in Telangana but it can not form … Read more