
Central Government issues Code of Conduct for Employees

The Government of India has released code of conduct for the central government employees. The employees serving in various central services have to follow the code of conduct. This is the integrated version of the guidelines issued by the Government at various times.

1) An employee should not criticise the policies of his organisation. He / she should not issue any statements criticising the actions of the organisation / company.

2) Employees should not participate in the rallies or meetings that instigate the feelings of the people.

3) Employee should not be a member of any political party or political association. They should not participate in the activities of any political party.

4) Employees should not contest in the elections conducted for Assembly or local bodies. They should not participate in the campaigns of any party.

5) Employees should maintain absolute integrity and devotion to duty.

6) An employee or his relatives and representatives should not receive any gifts from the public in return of their services.

7) An employee should not receive or offer dowry in the form of money, properties or in any other form.

8) Should not misuse his / her position as civil servant and should not take decisions to gain financial or material benefits for himself / his family / friends.

9) Should maintain confidentiality in delivering official duties. He / she should discharge his duties with the highest degree of professionalism and dedication.

10) Employees have to disclose the details of shares they own if the value of such shares is higher than two months basic salary. They have to furnish the details within 4 days.

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