Chandrababu Rule: Values of Janmabhoomi Programme
The main intention of Janmabhoomi program of Chandrababu Naidu is to create an ideal society through extensive people’s participation. According to the state government, the over all view of an ideal society must be, a society, where (a) there would be a deep involvement of people in decision-making at all levels and self-help, honesty, dedication, co-operation and hard work would be pervasive, (b) government play the role of Trustee and Facilitator, and assured transparency and accountability at all levels, (c) information technology would be extensively used for the benefit of people, (d) growth, equity and excellence would be the guiding spirit of activity.
For the purpose of reaching this ideal society, government seeks to reorient the society and polity to accelerate the pace development. Towards this end all institutions should be restructured and realigned with the core principles of Janmabhoomi, namely people’s participation, equity and equality, transparency and accountability in governance, innovation and sustainability, which have discussed in the following pages.
People’s Participation
The center-piece of the policy framework of Janmabhoomi is social mobilisation of people to enable them to participate directly and effectively in the decision-making process at the village level. The main objective of social mobilisation is to induce people to create participatory organisation based on direct and full participation. The apparent causes for the emphasis on people’s participation by the present government in Andhra Pradesh is detailed here under.
Firstly, people’s participation in all the developmental activities is assumed advantageous because they have immense knowledge regarding the local resources. Secondly, participation in decision making could enable the local people to highlight their particular concerns. Through collective effort, they have been able to obtain allotment of government lands as well as funding for developing them. Thirdly, the programme of Shramadanam has convincingly highlighted how people can make a meaningful contribution in modifying relative priorities.
And finally, people can pay particular attention to the maintenance of community assets, instead of passively waiting for government intervention, when they have imbibed with a sense of ownership. It was assumed that, if people’s contribution has come in terms of labour, money and material, it would give them a sense of ownership over community assets.