Corona Helpline Numbers and Testing Labs in Kerala
Kerala has become one of the hotspots of Corona virus in India. But with strict containment measures and emergency response system, the state has managed to reduce the death rate comparing with many other states. Though the positive cases are more than 300, the deaths recorded as low as 2 as on 6th April 2020. If you have any symptoms of Corona like cough, fever, sneezing, headache, loss of taste and smell, you can contact the following helpline numbers and visit the test labs dedicated for corona testing.
Helpline Numbers in Kerala:
The government has issued certain Corona virus helpline number to the people of Kerala. Through these numbers they can easily contact concerned authorities or health centres for any problem they’ve been facing. Also they can get medical guidance if any symptoms of COVID-19 are detected.
The following are the helpline numbers given by the government:
Central Helpline number – Toll free – 1075 + 91-11-23978043
Kerala Helpline number – 0471-2552050
Email –
Care Homes and Testing Labs:
National Institute of Virology Field Unit
Govt. Medical College, Thriuvananthapuram
Govt. Medical College, Kozhikhode
Govt. Medical College, Thrissur

Government of Kerala has set up care homes with a capacity of 4000 to 5000 people near its four airports where all international passengers are kept under observation. Apart from government hospitals there are 879 private hospitals with 69434 general beds and 5507 beds in ICU.
Isolation Beds in 21 Hospitals
The government of Kerala declared a complete lockdown for the entire state from 23rd March to 31st March. The government set up 40 isolation beds in 21 hospitals. Helplines were activated in every district of the state. More than 4000 people are under home and hospital quarantine.