Earning money online is easy or tough?
Everybody knows how to start a blog or website. It is wellknown fact that Google offers free blogging services through Blogger.com. All that you need to start a blog is a Google Account. Staring website is a bit expensive and so many experts say that website has so many advantages in comparision to blog. That is a different discussion and we shall deal with it later in another post. But getting traffic is a big task for wanna be bloggers and even for some experienced bloggers.
Here is a realtime example. I have come across a friend who wasted time on reading easy online money earning methods rather than working on his blog. He started the site sometime back around 2007 and the poor guy still waiting to reach his first adsense payment threshold. I adviced him not to go for blogging and start searching for other earning opportunities on net or outside internet.
This might be the case with so many other fellow bloggers and website owners. But at the end one can agree that the ultimate decider of your potential in earning money online is your commitment and sincerity towards your site.
Time and Money are two key investments required for any kind of business. For online business, spending time is more important as money is nor required to start a blog. Google offering free blogging service and opportunity to earn through it’s Adsense Program. So, at the end if you are lucky enough to allocate some time to write original posts for your site, your chances of joining the adsense earners league may be bright.