EPFO Missed Call No 01122901406 Facility to get Account Balance, Contribution and Other Details
The Employees Provident Fund Organisation (EPFO) has launched missed call facility (No. 01122901406) for the convenience of its members to know the details of EPF account balance, pension status, last contribution to the account etc.
Members registered on the UAN portal of EPFO may get their account details available with EPFO by giving a missed call to the number 01122901406 from their registered Mobile number.
If the UAN of the member of the EPFO account holder is seeded with any one of the Bank A/C number, AADHAAR and PAN, the EPFO member will also get details of last contribution and PF Balance.
The EPFO has launced the Missed Call service to further ease the process since only a missed call at 01122901406, at no cost to the member, would provide him the details. So, don’t wait, just call at 01122901406 and get back with your feedback.