EPIC Voter ID Card Registrations in Karnataka
Bangalore: The Karnataka is gearing up for polls on 5th May 2013. It is informed by the State Election Commission that about 5.85 lakh voters seek their names to be included in the voters list. The new voters can get their names included in the list within 10 days, as per the Chief Electoral Officer Anil Kumar Jha.
The applications for the new inclusions will be scrutinized within 10 days. The CEO has received as many as 5.85 lakh applications till January 2013. Out of these 3.06 applications were accepted and verification process is on for remaining applications.
The applicants can search for their names in the voters list. The CEO has already released supplementary voters list. Those did not find their name can contact the CEO office and apply for the same.
Voters can also avail the facility of SMS to get the polling station to cast their vote. They can send their EPIC Card Number to 9243355223 (toll free) and they will receive the name of polling station.