Get EPIC-Voter ID Card in 7 Days in Andhra Pradesh

Chief Electoral Officer, AP of Election Commission (EC) has come up with innovative scheme for the speedy enrollment (within seven days) of voters in the state of Andhra Pradesh. Those completed 18 years of age can directly apply through website . The EC has made arrangements to issue EPIC cards within 7 days/ one week after applying online. The EC has started a separate Electoral Roll Management System website for this purpose. You can register your name through E- Registration process mentioned below. The EC has also made arrangements to issue voter ID cards to students in fast track mode. Following is the process to get voter / EPIC with in a week:

1. If you have completed 18 years of age, go to and log on to the site.

2. Find application forms 6, 7, 8, 8A and select which suits to your requirements.

3. Select Form 6 is for Enrollment of New Voters, Form 7 is for deletion from Rolls, Form 8 for Change of Name, Address and Form 8A for change of Assembly Constituency.

4. Enter Name, Address, Photo, Phone No, Email ID details of the person applying for the card.

5. This application will be sent to the post office and concerned postman shall visit the person as per the address provided. Postman shall check all the details of the applicant and send the forms to AERO (Assistant Electoral Registration Officer).

6. AERO shall check it once again and send it to his superior officer.

7. EPIC card will be issued at the discretion of ERO (Electoral Registration Officer). After approval of ERO, the EPIC shall be issued so as to reach within 7 days to the applicant.

You can E-Register through . After submitting all the details and sending the application, you can check the status of your Voter Card at . You can also get voter ID card through post offices and e-seva centers.

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  1. Hi @Admin i have applied for Voter Id online on Jan 25th and still not received it.

    All this Govt Schemes are trash they are just for saying purpose on some occassion as Jan 25th was decided as Voters Day

    They will say and will not implement it

    1. we have applied for voter id cards and our names was printer in the voterlist on page no965,966 wide id nos yzk991216,yzk0992222
      in polling station 228 of uppal ranga reddy district of andhrapradesh
      but we have not received any id cards till today the govt officrs are saing we are working with full open heart the officers mistakes is
      they not working properly lookinto the matter and send the id cards at earliest

  2. Hi,

    I want to apply for voter id card. The e-registration link is not working and i have downloaded the form6 and filled it.
    But the problem is in step4 u mention as to submit the form, but where i should do it .
    Please help me.

      1. i am trying to apply for new voter id card but is not respondig since a week please give an altrnative site for getting the voter id card

  3. even I faced the same problem
    The link is also not working.
    the problem is how can we fill the form ?
    Should we take the print out of the form 6 and then fill it manually? or do we go to e registration link and then fill our details ?
    @ admin
    Please clarify our doubts

  4. i am already aplying for voter idcard few monts back but i don’t received to till date how i get this card

  5. Hi Admin, I have applied for Voter Id online, how many days it vil take for approval. when can i get it( i mean how many days).

  6. HI..!
    I’ve applied today(06-JUL-’11) and it gave me APP ID and status is also showing (as application under verification…)

    Is this working…?
    How long it will take to finish the process…?

  7. i want to check photo in my votor id card ?? could you please give me link , where can i see this . appreciate your help.

  8. hello this is chandra shekar i have applied from this website this is all trash i applied it 6 months ago no use if its true please help me out

  9. Hi,
    I am ravi i want apply voter id card so how to apply pls help me. get the voter id card how many day’s it will take.

  10. Hi,

    My application status is “Application accepted by ERO” since atleast 2 months. But still I have not received my Voter ID card. What is the next step and how will we get the Voter ID card? WHom should we contact for the same for the delay in receiving the voter ID card?


  11. while i was travelling from visakhapatnam to hazrat nizamuddin by samata express my hand bag was stollen from ac three tire compartment which contained many valuable items including my election id card. i had handed over an fir with tte who had given me a copy of fir duly signed by him. please let me know how to apply for a duplicate id card


  13. I have applied for voter card 7 months ago .Iam from Ap Warangal Dist ,Mulugu Division Kamalapuram Village Pin-506172 ,H-no: 3-64/3
    i got call from MRO to submit SSc Memo nd photograph .. I have done it but till now i din get any status of my VoterId I have applied online..pls reply and i need it urgently Thanking you ..

  14. I have applied for voter id on 14th Aug and after verification from officials from my nearest Post Office the status was showing “Application is Accepted by the ERO”. It has been showing this since September and i haven’t received my Voter ID.

  15. Hey i applied for voter card through online registration. You said that that will be sent to post office, i want to clarify that whether we have to take our forms to that post office or else it will be sent through online?.
    please reply me.

  16. Dear Sir,

    My name is Debendra Sahoo and I applied voter ID card through online registration. when I am checking in the net it is showing “Application is Accepted by the ERO”. and it is showing from the past one and half month. I want to clarify that did the ERO send the ID card or not if not when will you send? or is there any alternative way to get the Voter ID card.

    Debendra Sahoo

  17. My name is summaiah kauser and I applied voter ID card through online registration. when I am checking in the net it is showing “Application is Accepted by the ERO”. and it is showing from the past one and half month. I want to clarify that did the ERO send the ID card or not if not when will you send? or is there any alternative way to get the Voter ID card.

  18. Sir,

    My Name is Ravi Kumar i want to enroll for Voter ID.
    But form is not downloading.

    kindly do the needful.


  19. sir,

    My name is angara srinivasrao I have voter id but address is changed.
    Kindly change my address as following.
    Angara Srinivas Rao
    plot no.192, Seetha homes Meerpet – 500097
    Saroor nagar mandal
    Ranga reddy district


    Kindly change the address and send the ID cards as soon as possible.

    Thanking you,

    Srinivas rao

  20. I have enrolled for the voter ID card on 21st Nov. I keep checking the status but it still says verification in progress. Kindly let me know if I am supposed to do anything.

  21. Hi,

    My application status is “Application accepted by ERO” since atleast 2 months. But still I have not received my Voter ID card. What is the next step and how will we get the Voter ID card? WHom should we contact for the same for the delay in receiving the voter ID card?


    HOUSE NO : 1-18 AC NUMBER PART NO : 268
    VIEW STATUS : View Status

    please tell what is the easy process to get voter id as possible as quick . please sir , it’s urgent for me.

    Ranga Swamy

    1. can any one help me please , where i will collect my voter id

      my status details:

      APPLICATION ID 26800065
      AGE 26
      HOUSE NO 1-18
      AC NUMBER & NAME 268-Uravakonda
      Application Date 15/12/2011
      STATUS Application is Under Verification

  23. Dear Admin,
    I am still waiting for any update on my application status. It is showing “Application is Accepted by the ERO”. Is there anything I need to do in order to get the Voter ID cards?
    Please suggest the next step.

    Dr Nadeem Ansari

    1. sir how many days did it take to generate ur epic number after it showing the message “accepted by the ero”

  24. Dear Admin,

    i applied voter id through www ceoandhra nic in website and in user E-Registration user status it is showing “Application is Accepted by the ERO” but i am get the voter id card .please let me know when i can get the voter id card.

  25. hllo, im harpreet singh and i have applied for my voter id card yesterday by online …i jst want to know in how many days i will get my voter id card because its vry urgent to me ….so , reply me fast plz as soon as possible.. thnk you

  26. hllo, im Iffath Ayesha and i have applied for my voter id card 23-01-2012 in Uppal Muncipal Office …i jst want to know in how many days i will get my voter id card because its vry urgent to me ….so , reply me fast plz as soon as possible.. thank you

  27. Hi,

    My online voter card application status is ”Application is Accepted by the ERO” and it’s already listed in voters list.

    Can you guys please tell me where can I collect my VoterID card?

    Thank You.

    1. just take print out of the voter id status …..they will give u the voter id in the e-seva center in the respective address in the voter id card.

  28. i just browsed the site…n just went to the “know ur status bar” n choose the search by name ,typed some names which r more relavent (like many have it) like adithya,rahul,sanjay…..etc n just checked thier status …….what i came to know was only the people who live either hyd or the R.R. dist are getting thier part number n getting thier epic number generated efficiently….i cant find anyone who r from other places getting the epic number.whats wrong with this…i want u people to check this ,if u find the same fault n think its true just comment here.
    waiting for others reply

  29. if u agree with what i say n if u want the ceo to get acknowledge abt this then send him a mail complaining about the problem his email id is
    n u call the toll free no 1950 n keep asking them about your status untill they get buged n complain it to the ceo…..stay cool its a toll free number so u can make loads of timz :)

  30. Dear admin ,
    I would like to apply for voter Id ,please kindly give full information, at least one link also not working. So please help me soon.

  31. Hello Sir !!!!!!!!!!
    This is Anand, I have filled the form-8 in 19-12-2011 for correction of my age,photo and address in the voter id card, but still my application status is showing “Application is Under Verification” ……

    when will i get my new voter id card please its urgent………….

  32. My application status is “Application accepted by ERO” since atleast 6 months. But still I have not received my Voter ID card. What is the next step and how will we get the Voter ID card? Whom should I contact to get photo ID card?

  33. Hi,

    My application status is “Application accepted by ERO” since atleast 2 months. But still I have not received my Voter ID card. What is the next step and how will we get the Voter ID card? WHom should we contact for the same for the delay in receiving the voter ID card?
    I applied for Voter id card on 12th February 2012.

    Please assist.

  34. Hi,

    If your application is accepted by ERO, cal this number 1950. They will let you know if the card is generated or not.

    in my case, they told me that the card is generated & need to collect it from respective e-seva center.

    Hope this helps.

    Thanks & Regards,

  35. Hello Sir..i got my voter id..but DOB printed is wrong..& also i’ve given temporary address in that..coz of that my passport application has been could you please guide me within short time i want my voter id to be corrected..what to do sir??

  36. hello sir.. this is naresh bobbili, i have applied for a voter id in march 2012 but till now i didn’t get my card. so many times im mailed to ceoandhra for this, but there was no progress.
    May i know, how many years it takes for verification.

  37. Hello sir i applied for name and photo change online one month back but till now did not get what will i do how to get my name is prabhakar application id no is F8-0129677

  38. Hi Sir,
    Recently i lost my voter id card. How to apply for new voter id card.
    TVF0444083 is my voterid number.

  39. Hi,
    My application status is “Application accepted by ERO” for the last couple of weeks. But still I have not received my Voter ID card. What is the next step and how will we get the Voter ID card? WHom should we contact for the same for the delay in receiving the voter ID card?

  40. sir, i have applied for voter id about one month back, till now it is under verification, but you said we can get in a week, i have applied one month before, please send me my voter id

  41. Sir, I have applied for voter ID card along with my husband and mother-in-law in GSI Post Office 5 years back. They both received their Voter ID Cards, but i have not received yet. i wanted to apply online but not getting through. please guide me to get my voter ID card or shall i apply afresh (if so give me the website address)


  42. Hi,
    My application status is “Application accepted by ERO” for the last couple of weeks. But still I have not received my Voter ID card. What is the next step and how will we get the Voter ID card?

  43. Hi Team,

    I have applied my voter id correction Form-8 for address change. I got message as your application number : F8-1811018. Can you please tell me within how many days i will get update on my new card with new address details.


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