Link Mobile and Aadhaar Numbers in a Year – Supreme Court
The Supreme Court has directed the the Central Government to link all mobile numbers in the country to Aadhaar Cards / Numbers. The Supreme Court has set a deadline of one year to complete the Aadhar – Mobile number link. The details of every mobile user will be registered through this process.
Is has to be noted that the Supreme Court itself said earlier that the Aadhaar is not mandatory to avail Government benefits. Now the Court has ruled to link all mobile numbers with Aadhaar.
There are over 100 crore mobile subscribers in the country. Now it is mandatory for all these subscribers including those having pre-paid SIM cards, to have their phone number linked to Aadhaar Number without fail within one year.
The Supreme Court has also directed the Centre to device a plan so that each mobile subscriber with a pre-paid sim would have to fill and deposit a prescribed form whenever he or she recharges.