Linking Aadhaar with Properties under Land Records Modernisation Program

There is widespread news in the media regarding linking aadhaar cards with property details of the people. A circular has been in circulation mentioning digitalisation of land records from 1950 and subsequent linking of Aadhaar number with properties such as lands, plots and flats etc under Digital India Land Records Modernisation Programme (DILRMP).

It is mentioned in the circular that the Government of India by the Act of parliament is considering linking of Aadhaar with property records and ownership records of said properties.

It is also mentioned that the properties which are not linked with aadhaar shall be considered for appropriate action under Benami Transactions (prohibition) Amended Act 2016.

The government of India has clarified on the news in circulation and informed that the news and said circular are fake. The government also mentioned that it is not considering any proposal to link aadhaar with property.

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