List of Useful Books for Research on Politics and Development

Relationship between politics and development has been the core topic of discussion in social sciences for a long time. These issues were discussed across the globe by academicians from various disciplines like Political Science, Economics, Sociology, History, Anthropology etc. There is vast literature on the topic of development and politics. Following is the list of  some useful books for Social Science research scholars working on the inter-disciplinary areas of politics and economics. You can try to avail or download these books from free download services available on the web.

1. Almond, Gabriel., and Powell,Bingham., (1974)“Comparative Politics Today: A Developmental  Approach”, New Delhi: Oxford and IBH.
2. Amin, Samir.,  (1977)  “Imperialism and Unequal Development”, Hassocks: Harvester Press.
3. Apter, David E., (1987) “Rethinking Development”, New Bury Park : Sage  Publications.
4. Balagopal, K., (1988) “Probings in the Political Economy of Agrarian Classes and Conflicts”, Hyderabad: Perspectives Publications.
5. Baran, Paul., (1976)  “Political Economy of Growth”, Harmondsworth: Penguin Books.
6. Baxi, Upendra.and Parekh,Bhiku.,Ed. (1995)“Crisis and Change in Contemporary India”, New Delhi: Sage Publications.
7. Bose, Sugata., and Jalal, Ayesha., Ed.  (1997)  “Nationalism, Democracy and Development: State and Politics in India”, New Delhi: OUP.
8. Desai, A.R., (1975)  “State and Society in India : Essays in Dissent”, Bombay: Popular Prakashan.
9. Dube, S.C., (1988) “Modernisation and Development”, New Delhi: Vistaar Publications.
10. Fernandes, Walter., Ed. “Development with People”
11. Frank, A.G., (1969) “Capitalism and Underdevelopment in Latin America”, Harmondsworth: Penguin Books.
12. Frankel, Francine., and Rao, M.S.A ., Ed.      (1993) “Dominance and State Power in Modern India”,Vol.I, New Delhi : OUP.
13. Gore, M.S.,  (1985) “Social Aspects of Development”, Jaipur: Rawat Publications.
14. Huntington, Samuel P.,  (1968) “Political Order in Changing Societies”,York : Feffer and Simons.
14. Innaiah, N.,  (1986) “State Government and Politics: A Study of Andhra Pradesh Politics 1885-1985”, Hyderabad: Scientific Services.
15. King, Desmond.,  (1987) “The New Right: Politics, Markets and Citizenship”,  London: Macmillan Education.
16. Kohli, Atul., Ed. (1991)“Democracy and Discontent: India’s Growing Crisis of  Governability”, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
17. Kothari, Rajni.,   (1988) “State against Democracy: In Search of Humane Governance”, New Delhi: Ajanta Publications.
18. Kothari, Rajni.,  (1990) “Rethinking Development: In Search of Humane Alternative”, New Delhi: Ajanta Publications.
19. Kurien, C.T., (1994) “Global Capitalism and Indian Economy”, New Delhi: Orient Longman.
20. Mandel, Ernest.,  (1977) “Second Slump: A Marxist Analysis of Recession in the Seventies”, Berlin: Wagenback Verlag.
21. Mobugunje, Akin L.,  “The Development Process: A Spatial Perspective”
22. Mohanty, Manoranjan., and Mukherji, P.N., Ed. (1998) “People’s Rights: Social Movements and the State in the Third World”, New Delhi: Sage Publications.
23. Myrdal, Gunnar., (1968) “Asian Drama”, Vol.I, New York: Pantheon.
24. Myrdal, Gunnar.,  (1972) “Asian Drama”, Vol.II, New York: Pantheon.
25. Narain, Iqbal., Ed., (1989) “Development, Politics and Social Theory”, New Delhi: Sterling Publications.
26. Narasimha Reddy, D., Ed., (1998) “Andhra Pradesh Arthika Samskaranalu: Prapancha Bank Agenda”(Telugu), Hyderabad: Perspectives Publications.
27. Pantham, Thomas.,  (1995) “Political Theories and Social Reconstruction: A Critical Survey of the Literature on India”,New Delhi: Sage Publications.
28. Preston, P.W.,  (1982) “Theories of Development”, London: Routeledge and Kegan Paul.
29. Preston, P.W., (1986) “ Making Sense of Development: An Inteoduction to Classical and Contemporary Theories of Development and Their Application to South-East Asia”, London: Routledge and Kegan Paul.
30. Ram Reddy, G., and Sharma, B.A.V.,Ed.   (1979) “State Government and Politics: Andhra Pradesh”, New Delhi: Sterling Publishing House.
31. Rao, G.N., (1973) “Changing Conditions and Growth in Agricultural Economy in the Krishna and Godavari Districts 1840-1890”, An Unpublished Ph.D Thesis Submitted to Andhra University, Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh.
32. Rao, Hanumantha V.,(1993) “Party Politics in Andhra Pradesh”, Hyderabad: ABA Publications.
33. Sen, Amartya., and Dreze, Jean., (1995) “India: Economic Development and Social Oppurtunity”, New Delhi: Oxford University Press.
34. Subba Rao, C.V., (1992) “Rajakiya Arthika Sastram” (Telugu), (Political Economy : An Introduction), Hyderabad: Swecha Publications.
35. Yugandhar, B.N., Ed., (1996) “Land Reforms in India: Andhra Pradesh- People’s pressures and Administrative Innovations”, Vol.3, New Delhi: Sage Publications.

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