
Long Term Infrastructure Bonds 2012 by IDFC, REC, IIFCL, IFCI, L and T, ICICI, LIC and SBI

Govt. of India has allowed certain Infrastructure companies to issue Long Term Tax Saving Infrastructure Bonds. These companies include IDFC, IFCI, REC, IIFCL, L and T, ICICI etc. Investors of these Infra Bonds can claim tax exemption under section 80 CCF of the Income Tax Act, 1961 for an amount up to Rs. 20000. This deduction is aver and above Rs. 100000 limit available under sections 80C, 80CCC and 80CCD read with section 80CCE. Most of the companies have issued notifications for the issue of bonds with interest rates ranging from 7.75 percent to 8.30 percent. There are various options for investors such as buy back by the company after 5 / 7 years and maturity option after 10 / 15 years under different series of Bonds. Several companies have announced Infra Bonds Schemes for 2012-2013.

These Infra bonds provide tax benefits apart from creating additional value by the time of maturity. Though the companies are not promising any assured returns, one can expect minimum returns on par with any saving schemes as the the sector will get highest priority by the Governments. These Infra Bonds are most effective in the case of high salaried people with 30 percent tax bracket. Following are these details of Long Term Infra Bonds for the year 2011-12.

1. REC Long Term Infra Bonds: Issue Last date: March 2012; Interest Rate: 8 percent for buyback option and 8.10 percent for Non-Buy back option. Website: recindia.nic.in

2. IIFCL Infra Bonds: Issue Closes on March 2012. Interest: 8.15 for buy back and 8.30 for till the maturity option. Website: www.iifcl.org

3. IDFC Infrastructure Bonds: Issued series I and Series II with an intereste rate of 8 percent for both Buy back and cumulative options. Website: www.idfc.com

4. IFCI Long Term Infra Bonds: The IFCI has issued Series I and Series II Bonds with an interest rates of 8 percent for Buy Back option and 8.25 for Non Buy Back option. Website: www.ifciltd.com

5. L and T Infra Bonds: Issued Long Term Tax Saver Infra Bonds with 7.5 percent interest rate for buy back after 5 years and 7.75 percent interest for buy back option after 7 years. Website: www.ltinfrabond.com

Other companies and Bank such as ICICI, LIC and SBI are also likely to issue Long Term Infra Bonds soon. Power Finance Corporation and SREI Holdings have released Infra Bonds recently and the subscriptions is under progress.

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    1. Please give me details of infrastructure bond for investment in coming month of Oct-Nov-Dec 2011.
      Atul Mishra

  2. I need to invest in Infrastructure Bond for the year 2011-12. Please let me know when there is an open issue and also whether it is good to invest in that.


    1. You can Invest in currently running Infra Bonds that is IFCI and PFC which gives you return of 8-8.5% under section 80CCF

      Harshal V

  3. I am a Tax & Finance Consultant. I want to be agent to invite tax payer to invest in infra bonds. It is possible please3 update me how?

    Thanking you,
    Sanjay Sutar

  4. Sir/Madam,

    Iam eager to invest in Infrastructure Bond for the financial year 2011-12. Please let me know when there is an open distribution of the bonds and if possible name & address of agents {for the same} in Kolkata.
    Waiting for your positive reply through e-mail{mppatil.2007@rediffmail.com}.

  5. I need to invest in Infrastructure Bond for the year 2011-12. Please let me know when there is an open issue and also whether it is good to invest in that.

  6. Now you can save 30% Tax benefit Rs 7,880/- u/s 800ccf on infrastructre bond cont for door step serv,Fine Shine India 9716300093,9311099558

  7. I need to invest in Infrastructure Bond for the year 2011-12. Please let me know when there is an open issue and also whether it is good to invest in that.

  8. Iam eager to invest in Infrastructure Bond for the financial year 2011-12. Please let me know when there is an open distribution of the bonds and if possible name & address of agents {for the same} in Bangalore.
    Waiting for your positive reply through e-mail.


  9. my savings has reached 1 lakh and i have to pay a tax of Rs.9000/- this yr. kindly help me out on how to save in infrastructure bond and how much will the tax be. i can invest around 25000/-

  10. i want to invest in infra bonds for the current year.so please send me details of best infra bonds.my p.no 9764893322

  11. For the finan­cial year 2011 –12, IDFC ((Infra­struc­ture Devel­op­ment finance Com­pany Ltd) is issu­ing infra­struc­ture bond. Under Sec­tion 80CCF of the income tax act, the IDFC Infra­struc­ture bond car­ries a 9% annual inter­est and 10 years matu­rity period.

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