LRS Scheme in Hyderabad for Regularisation of Unauthorised Plots and Layouts
The Committee of Representatives appointed by the Government of Telangana has submitted its report to the Government. It has recommended to announce another round of LRS (Land Regularisation Scheme) in Hyderabad to regularise the unauthorized plots and house sites.
The committee has recommended to regularise all the unauthorised plots that are registered till 1st June 2015. The plots should be regularised within 3 months.
It is also expressed that there should not be any more LRS schemes in order to avoid unauthorised lay outs. The Government has to take final decision on these recommendations.
The Representatives committee has also opined that the registration act should be amended to stop unauthorised constructions in Hyderabad and Telangana. The construction of skyscrapers in small area of lands / plots should be avoided.
There should be huge penalties if there is any unauthorised construction after the regularisation of illegal constructions. The civic amenities like water, drainage connection and power should be stopped to such constructions.