Operationalisation of Janmabhoomi Program in Andhra Pradesh
For operationalising the values of Janmabhoomi Programme in Andhra Pradesh, core areas are identified such as community works, primary education, basic health and family welfare, environment conservation and responsive governance. The works under these areas can be implemented on the cost-effective basis with the help of grassroots people’s institutions and concerned administrative officials.
The people centered development process would be consolidated with the participation of every citizen in the state during a week long intensive campaign activities in each of the core areas to be called Janmabhoomi round, which would be held once in a quarter. During every such round, special focus would also be laid on Janmabhoomi themes highlighting major social issues, which need the immediate attention of the people. The detailed programme for every round of Janmabhoomi will be prepared and communicated to all concerned by the government based on the feedback received from the people.
All the works of a given nature and upto certain value have been intended to execute by the people themselves without any intermediaries. All community works will have the objectives, (a) provision of minimum services to the people, (b) strengthening of infrastructure for social and human development and (c) growth related infrastructure to provide sustained employment to the unemployed and underemployed.
All community works has been divided into the priority, permissive and restricted categories, in response to the varying local needs and optimal utilisation of available resources. These works may broadly consist of construction of bus shelters, municipal works, construction of internal roads and drains, construction of school buildings and works related to irrigation canals. The felt needs of the people relating to community works will be identified and prioritised in the Gram Sabhas and taken up for execution by the Habitation Level Committees in the rural areas and Neighbourhood Committees in the urban slums.
The contribution of people towards the cost of each work in shape of cash or material or labour is the most important element in the execution of community works. This contribution will vary on the basis of category of work and the locality of work. “In case of priority category, people’s contribution would be a minimum of 30%. Earth works would be paid in the ratio of 50: 50 for formation of new works such as roads, canals, drains. The works like maintenance of irrigation systems are to be executed through the Water User’s Associations”.
In case of permissible category of works, the government share would be limited to 50%. The people’s contribution in SC/ST areas would be 50% for all community works included in the permissible category. Restricted category of works are those for which there will be no counterpart funding from the government as the people are expected to execute those works voluntarily. All community works in the tribal sub-plan areas would be executed without insisting on people’s contributions irrespective of the scheme under which the work is sanctioned and the category to which the community work pertains.