Primary Education and Health under Janmabhoomi
Under the core area of primary education, the issues like access of all the children in the school going age to quality schooling, disparities between social and gender groups, low enrollment and low retention would be take-up under Janmabhoomi Programme. Village Education Committees have to play a vital role in planning, implementation and monitoring of activities in the area of primary education. The broad goals of the activities in this area are “to reduce differences in enrollment, dropout and learning achievement among gender and social groups to less than five percent, to reduce overall primary dropout rates for all students to less than 10 percent and to raise average achievement links by at least 25 percent.
It was opined by the state government that the situation of human development in Andhra Pradesh reveals the state’s position does not compare favourably with many other states and even with the national average in certain cases such as infant mortality, female literacy. So, the core issues under the area of primary health and family welfare will be, “(i) the provision of effective, accessible and affordable basic health care and family welfare services for all, (ii) implementation of rights of the child to ensure child survival, development and protection and (iii) empowerment of women to ensure equal status and opportunities’.
The activities at community level under the core area of environment conservation will be (a) clean and green campaign at the village and town levels, (b) weekly sanitation maintenance drives, (c) plantation of trees in the institutions, house holds wastelands and (d) popularisation of non-conventional energy sources like bio-gas, smokeless chulhas, solar energy and wind-mills. Vana Samrakshana Samithis in every habitation would take up activities regarding forest management and protection.
Apart from the community works identified by the Gram Sabhas, all the representations received from the people relating to the individual family needs, non-financial and financial community needs would be redressed within a maximum period of one month. If representations are sent to the district or state level for redressal, the same will be redressed with in three months. The progress made in the redressal of the felt needs would be incorporate in the Action Taken Reports to be presented in the Gram Sabhas in every round of JB. In this regard the existing rules and procedures would simplify within a suitable time frame. Each government department and agency will prescribe a Citizen’s Charter indicating the time frame, the quality and type of service to be provided to the citizens. Copies of all the rules, procedures, laws and the government orders will be made available to the people excepting those classified as confidential in the interest of the state.