
Railway Mobile Ticket Booking through ngpay

Indian Railway Catering and Tourism Corporation (IRCTC) has launched Mobile Ticket Booking service, ngpay for railway ticket reservations. IRCTC, the official and main source of railway ticket booking in India is providing free ngpay download facility for its customers of all classes. This could be the smartest way to book tickets as it does not involve any queues, internet connections and risks of power failures in the middle of reservation process on net. You can book railway tickets from anywhere and at anytime through your mobile phone. All that you need to do is just long on to mobile website of IRCTC at www.irctc.co.in/mobile and follow the given procedure. You need to download the application ngpay and install it to book tickets using mobile phone. Following are details of downloading of ngpay, step by step installation, services offered by ngpay and mobile ticket booking process:

Most of the GPRS mobile handsets will have ngpay application. ngpay comes as pre-loaded application in a lot of cell phones. If you do not have the ngpay application, you can download it free of cost from the website www.ngpay.com or get it to your mobile phone by sending an SMS mentioning ngpay to 56767. You can also visit www.ngpay.com from your mobile phone browser and download it. You will receive a reply SMS with a link. Just select the link and follow the instructions to download ngpay and install the same. Most simple way of downloading the application is from IRCTC website. You just need to submit your mobile number and you will receive the ngpay application to your mobile phone. If you face any trouble and problems while installing, you can just call toll free number of the service provider at 1800-2-666-555. IRCTC is also offering ticket booking through SMS, which is called M-Ticket. You can avail following features through ngpay application on your mobile:

1) Book ticket and avail train inquiry (You need to book tickets by providing source and destination journey).
2) Booked History (You can also avail tickets for whose Date of Journey is due will be visible.)
3) Cancel Ticket (You can cancel a booked ticket whose date of journey is due.)
4) Book Ticket using Credit / Debit card (You can browse the URL using your mobile phone and book tickets using any of your credit / debit card for payment).
5) Other Services: Reservation of Tickets, Check PNR Status, Cancellation, File for TDR, Email eTicket, Check Ticket Refund Details and Train Route.

Step by Step Procedure for Mobile Railway Ticket Booking:

1) Open ngpay on your mobile phone. Depending on your phone model, you will find ngpay in the Applications or Games folder.
2) Select Stores++ and then select IRCTC from Stores++
3) Now select Reservation and Journey details
4) Enter your travel requirements
5) Select option to pay for the tickets (Debit / Credit Card / Net banking / Cash Cards)
6) Your tickets are booked.

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  1. This is to inform you that i have booked a ticket on 10/11/2014 for 13/12/2014 to travel from gomoh to new delhi and returning on 17/12/2014 via purshottam express.
    train no. 13/12/2014 – 12801
    train no. 17/12/2014- 12802
    the problem is I have lost all the details of train details due to automatically reset of my phone. So, please send all the details of my train in my mobile no.
    i.e. 9955758490 or in my email id.

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