Sahitya Academy Award for Kalutunna Pulathota of Saleem

Sayeed Saleem of Andhra Pradesh has won the Kendra Sahitay Academy Award for 2010 for his writing ‘Kaluthunna Pulathota’. The theme of the novel is AIDS. The novel has been translated into Hindi, English and Kannada languages. Saleem also received National Humna Rights Commission award in 2009 for his ‘Nayee Imarat ke Kandahar’. He pened more than 140 stories and published 5 novels. Kaluthunna Pulathota is his fourth novel. Saleem is an employee of the Income Tax department. Following is his brief profile:

NameSayeed Saleem
ProfessionDeputy Commissioner, Income Tax Department
InterestsWriting novels and stories, Telugu literature
Awards 1. Kendra Sahitya Academy Award 2010, GOvt. of India
2. Bhasha Puraskaram by Govt. of AP- 2003
3. Literary Award by Telugu University in 2004
4. Rashtriya Vikas Siromani Award by Delhi Telugu Academy in 2005
5. Vasiredy Sitadevi literary Award in 2007
6. Chaso Literary Award in 2008
7. Kovvali literary Award in 2009

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One Comment

  1. This is a comment for kaalutunna pula thota
    This is a must read novel for any one working with HIV AIDS is the message given by many

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