Seemandhra Elections 2014 – A win-win for TDP and YSRCP
It is almost going to be a two party contest in Andhra Pradesh / Seemandhra in the coming Lok Sabha and Assembly Elections 2014. YSRCP and TDP will steal the show and fight neck to neck for dominance.
The CNN – IBN survey has predicted almost equal number of Lok Sabha seats to TDP and YSR Congress party in Seemandhra/ Andhra Pradesh. Both the parties are expected to get 10-17 Lok Sabha seats out of total 25 seats in the region.
In terms of vote share, the survey predicted upper hand to YSRCP over TDP. In fact the TDP might loss 2 percent votes in Seemandhra region comparing to 2009 elections, says the survey.
Yes. Finally, it is dual fight between the TDP and the YSRCP in the ensuing General Elections to the Assembly in AP and Parliament. In this context, it is necessary to provide an opportunity to a new party YSRCP in preference to the TDP whose performance has already been experienced by the people. Whereas, difference in number of seats between these two parties should be barest minimum for the purpose of quality of governance, which eventually means a strong opposition to the ruling party be the TDP or YSRCP. It is also necessary that no party should be given an opportunity for more than one term to administer the State of Andhra Pradesh.