Sheep Distribution Scheme for Yadava and Kurma Communities in Telangana State
May 10 to May 20: Village level gram sabhas will be conducted to identify the beneficiaries by lottery.
May 20 to May 30: Identification of various lands and fodder seed requirement and position of fodder seed and shaff cutters.
June 1 to June 10: Identification of insurance company and procurement of tags and applicators and most importantly insurance of existing sheep.
June 20 onwards: Procurement of sheep from AP, Karnataka and Maharashtra, followed by documentation followed by deworming and vaccinations.
It is estimated that over 5.39 lakh members of yadava and kurma communities will be benefited through the scheme. The cost of the scheme is around Rs. 5000 crore.
42 lakhs of sheep are being distributed in the present financial year and equal number of sheep will be distributed next year.