Transparency and Accountability in Development- Janmabhoomi Program
These principles of Janmabhoomi Program were intended to provide good governance in the administration. By introducing administrative reforms such as using modern technology, making government accountable to the people, introducing social audit and right to information, it was assumed that the governance would be improved. The internalisation of these principles in all institutions as felt by the government, could enhance its credibility among the people and also provides basis for partnership between the institutions and the people.
Transparency in implementation of a scheme would be the strongest check on behaviour of the functionaries of an institution. In an organisational context, transparency in decision making would mean that the employer and employees clearly understanding the reasons behind the decision making. The employees can exercise their creativity and came up with suggestions that may improve the quality of decision making. In relation to the implementation of Janmabhoomi programme, the principle of transparency would be applicable at the distribution of targeted benefits like old age pensions, maternity benefits during the conduct of Gram Sabhas, in the presence of all the villagers.
The realisation of the principle of accountability is a two-way process. It should be applicable both for the people and the institution. As far as the people are concerned, accountability of the institution gives them as sense of ownership and builds trust between the institution and the people. From the point of view of the institutions, accountability enables them to request the community to fulfil its share of obligations to the institutions. This would have been realising under PVP and JB from the side of administration and through grassroots people’s institutions from the people’s side.