Why Pictures Missing in Picasa

Picasa is the finest service to store and share your memorable photos online. But users of Picasa frequently face some problems in the form of missing pictures. It is always frustrating if you are not able to view your favourite picuters in Picasa. To some extent you will feel emotionally down if most important pictures are not seen in Picasa. There are various reasons for this unwanted trouble. First check everyone facing this problem has to perform is to make sure that the files you have uploaded are in appropriate format. Follow these easy steps to execute this check. Launch the Picasa application and click on ‘Tools’. Under this you will find ‘Options’. After selecting ‘Options’, click the ‘Files Types’ tab. Now select from the list of available photo formats by just clicking the corresponding check box.

Picasa regularly scans files and folders in order to find any new photos when you upload them. This process is called ‘Watching’ in Picasa. You can also choose specific folders to be watched by Picasa and mark them so. These are the steps to mark a folder as ‘watched’: 1. Click ‘Tools’ in Picasa. 2. In the menu list, select ‘Folder Options’ 3. Then identify the folder that you want to ‘watch’ through the folder tree on the left. 4. Now select the folder and select your choice from the options- Remove from Picasa, Scan Once, OR Scan Always. After selecting your option, click ‘OK’ to save the changes.

If you are not able to find image file even after these changes, one more possible reason would be ‘Hidden’ attribute in explorer properties. To set it right, just right click the file in Windows Explorer and click ‘Properties’. See if the ‘Hidden’ attribute is in checked status and uncheck the same. If you like Picasa to to display all hidden images, then just click on ‘View Hidden Pictures’.

One more important hint is, don’t name your pictures with words like windows, temp, originals, winnt, program files. If you find these names to any pictures, rename them immediately. You should also specify the image size to be viewed by you.

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