25 Percent Fitment for APSRTC Employees

It is a good news for the employees of APSRTC (Andhra Pradesh State Road Transport Corporation). Government of AP has announced 25 percent fitment to all the employees. With this the APSRTC employees have called off the proposed strike.

AP State Government has agreed to pay 25% fitment despite the losses to RTC due to various external reasons like increase in fuel prices. The Government has lauded the efforts of employees in improving the occupancy ratio from 62 percent to 80 percent.

The Government has also promised to increase the fitment to APSRTC employees on par with the state government employees. The proposed fitment will cost the Government Rs.750 crore.

It is informed that the RTC is still running Palle Velugu buses despite operational losses. Tax concessions are proposed for these services. RTC employees unions have called off the strike after promise from the Transport Minister.

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