Aarogya Setu App Download Procedure – Corona Self Check Test
Government of India is making all efforts to contain Corona Virus / Covid – 19 in the country. It has created an exclusive app called Aarogya Setu, which will track the people susceptible to Corona virus and alert you to take necessary preventive measures. Aarogya Setu app is available on both Android and IoS plotforms and can be downloaded from Google Play Store and Apple App Store respectively.

Following is the step by step procedure to download Aarogya Setu app:
Step 1: Go to Google Play Store / App Store on your mobile. Then download Aarogya Setu app. Check whether it is by Government of India or some private app. Always download official app.
Step 2: Then comes the language option. Choose your language option. The app is available in all major Indian languages. Then click ‘next’.
Step 3: It is time for registration. Click on the ‘Register Now’ option. Enter all the details required during registration.
Step 4: Aarogya Setu app require some permissions from you to work properlyo n your mobile. Read all the terms and conditions and click on I Agree.
Step 5: Now enter your mobile number. You will receive an OTP to your mobile number. Submit it and verify.
Step 6: As part of registration process, you need to fill personal details like your name, age, profession, countries travel outside in the last 30 days, tick mark the option ‘Ready to volunteer in the time of need’ and click ‘Submit’. You will have the skip option too at this stage.
Step 7: You will now find all the details of Covid-19 Help Centres. You can also self test. During self assessment test, you will be asked some details and after providing all the necessary details, the app will let you know about the chances of your infection risk.
Step 8: The Aarogya Setu app will also be helpful for knowing ‘Covid-19 Do’s and Don’ts’ and ‘Safety measures against Covid-19’. You can go through all the guidelines and implement them while at home or at work. Stay Home. Stay Safe.