Agri Gold Scam – Zerox Copies Submission and Verification Counters
The CID department of Andhra Pradesh Police has informed the victims of Agri Gold scam to submit the photocopies of the receipts / bonds of their deposits at the special counters established for the same purpose. The depositors who have not registered online can submit the photocopies.
Originals Receipts:
If depositors lost the original receipts and bonds, they can submit the photocopies. These are also accepted by the CID department at the ongoing document verification process in the districts.
Also Read: Agri gold – Registration on CID portal
Verification Documents:
The verification counters will accept the photocopy / zerox copies for verification purpose. Those who have not registered their details in the website or at the respective CID offices can also submit zerox copies.

Death of Depositors:
In case of death of the depositor, family members of the depositors can produce death certificate and submit the copies for verification. They also need to provide affidavits and family member certificates in order to accept their claims for verification. The details of the verification process are also available at the http:
I already submitted
I have lost my receipts in court not yet collecting my bond agri gold customer’s
iam bangalore karnataka state, where iam submit document for agrigold refund
i am already submitted documents and verfication done by police station
How to apply online my agrigold bond details for money return
Sir we lost agrigold bond papers how to get it sir please tell