AP Loan Waiver List – Eligible Farmers for Crop Loan and Gold Loan – Runa Maafee Scheme

AP Crop and Gold Loan Scheme 2014 The Government of Andhra Pradesh is proposed to announce the list of eligible farmers under the Crop Loan and Gold Loan Waiver scheme (Runa Mafee Scheme). The list is being prepared and finalised by the concerned authorities before formal announcement. The scheme is aimed at waiving agriculture / crop loans and gold loans upto 1.5 lakhs per each family. Following are details of eligibility conditions for the scheme:

Crop Loans and Gold Loans:

The Scheme applies to crop loans including gold loans sanctioned for raising crops only. The loans may be given by Scheduled Commercial Banks, Regional Rural Banks, and Cooperative Banks through their branches and societies. Loans given by Urban Cooperative Banks are covered in this scheme.

Apart from these, loans given to PACCS (Primary Agriculture Cooperative Credit Societies) and FSCs are also covered under this waiver scheme.

Cut Off date for loan waiver:

The loans disbursed by the above mentioned banks for crop purposes upto 31 December 2014 and outstanding amount on these loans upto 31st March 2014 (including interest) are eligible for loan waiver (Runa Maafee) scheme. The scheme will be applicable for the repaid loans as well.

The Government has made it clear that the loans sanctioned for working capital needs of the agriculture related activities like fisheries, poultry, dairy and agriculture produce are not eligible under this scheme. The Government of AP will be releasing the list of eligible farmers under crop loan and gold loan waiver schemes.

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  1. Hello sir,

    When will the list get release..? We are only seeing and listing the words that, will get released, will get released, but not seeing any particular date that the list release date.
    Please mention the date.

    1. Hi Ramesh,
      It seems the Government is not interested in making the lit out as it will create so much resistance from those not included in the list. The list may be available with concerned banks. But as a whole, the process is not clear and transparent.

  2. Sir my father account has loan outstanding more than 3 lacs on rice. but it shows only 9900 eligible for 14-15. can u plz explain me the procedure.

    1. Hi Venkat,
      There are so many undisclosed terms and conditions regarding loan waiver scheme. Several farmers are losing because of the credit rating based on the use of the land and crop pattern. Lets hope the Government will look into that and do the justice for farmers.
      Thanks for visiting.

  3. Sir we are taking the loan thr horticulture (lemon trees). So we are not eligible for runa maafee scheme. But we are taking the gold loan thr pattadar pass book, so we are eligible or not eligible for runa mafee ( gold loan )

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