
Mobile Number Portability Switch-In Offers by Reliance, Tata Docomo, Tata Indicom

All the Mobile Phone operators in India have come up with attractive offers for switch-in customers from other networks / operators under Mobile Number Portability. Under MNP, you can change to any mobile network without changing your existing number. If you switch-in (port-in) to following networks from other operators, following are the offers from Tata Network for switch in from other mobile operators like AIRTEL, IDEA, BSNL etc.:

Tata Docomo (If you switch in to Docomo from any other network, you will get these offers):

1. Free Rs. 10 talktime;
2. Call charges of paise per 6 seconds for all Tata Indicaom, Virgin, Docomo, T24 local calls for the first three months;
3. 100 SMS free everyday; Every first local SMS cost Rs. 60 paise and first STD SMS cost Rs. 1.20 paise;
4. Full Talk time on recharge coupons of Rs. 150 and Rs. 200.
5. Recharge with Rs. 300 and Rs. 400 and get talk value of Rs. 330 and Rs. 450 for respective coupons.

Tata Indicom Offers:

1. Avail 400 local and National SMS free of cost.
2. 400 minutes free talk time to Tata World (Indicom, WAlky, Docomo, Virgin, T21)
3. Double talk value on recharge with Rs. 50 and Rs. 100 for five times.

If you would like to know more details of switching in to TATA Docomo and TATA Indicom, contact Customer Service Toll Free Numbers given here:

1. TATA Indicom: 1800 266 3366
2. TATA Docomo: 1800 266 0000

Reliance Mobile GSM Customers in Andhra Pradesh shall avail these offers:

1. Switch in / Port-in Charge of Rs. 1
2. Free talk time of Rs. 50
3. Lifetime validity for SIM Card
4. 1 paise per second tariff.

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  1. dear sir

    my name is rahul agrawal my network is change because they are something
    my network is TATA DOCOMO and change is network RELIANCE GSM
    my number is 08793716580 this number to move reliance gsm

    Thank You

    1. DEAR SIR
      my name is ashish agarwal my network is change because they are something
      my network is RELIANCE GSM and change is network TATA DOCOMO my number is 8899098317 this number to move TATA DOGOMO.

      Thank You

    my name is Mateen Shah my network is change because they are something
    my network is RELIANCE GSM and change is network TATA DOCOMO my number is 9021510866 this number to move TATA DOCOMO.
    please changing my cim card services and inform me.

    Thank You

  3. hiiiii im a customer of reliance GSM and i believe that reliance is the lethargic company of India. its a burden to handle the advertise call from company.so don’t waste your time n change your connection and i opt docomo for replacing reliance………

  4. Iam a tata indicom user and i want to shift to duel sim.my sim no-9297153324
    this sim to change the docomo

  5. Iam a tata indicom user and i want to shift to duel sim.my sim no-9297153324

    my name is ashish agarwal my network is change because they are something
    my network is RELIANCE GSM and change is network TATA DOCOMO my number is 08000804123 this number to move TATA DOCOMO.

    Janak H Suhagiya

    1. DEAR SIR
      my name is gyan chandra yadav my network is change because they are something
      my network is AIRTEL and change is network TATA INDICOM my number is 9560591811 this number to move TATA INDICOM.

      Mo. NO.9560591811

  7. Sir,
    I m sidhesh.
    my docomo no. is 8097179482,
    & i want to change portability docomo to realiance GSM.
    so, pls tell How to Change it.
    & Which facility i got.

  8. plz change my reliaence no 9368659921 in to tata docomo.
    reliance not a good sevice provider.

  9. Dear sir/madam
    i am change my network. Reliance to Tata
    my number is 09905589869
    Reliance company is very chor company.

  10. hello sir,..
    Sir My mobile operator is reliance CDMA (U.P)..
    Now I want to change my State From (U.P) to (A.P) with Reliance and same No. only..
    how it is possible ..???

  11. I am pedda obulesu.M
    iam beacuse changed my network from TATA INDICOM to Reliance (CDM) due no tata indicom network in place

  12. I requested for change of operator from Reliance CDMA to TATA Indicom for my Mobile no. 9334455165 under Bihar circle.
    The request was sent on 10 Oct. 2011 vide request no. RB427739 but till date ie. 29 Oct. 2011 no response is received by me neither from Reliance nor from TATA Indicom.
    I request the concerned Customer care to look into the matter and expedite the same.

    Dinesh Prasad Sahu
    M. 9334455165


  14. i want to move to tata docomo from idea network.
    what are the best deals u can give contact me on this number 9164418301

  15. i want to switch to reliance from tata docomo, because it has worst network and services i used so far compared to reliance.my no is 8087637020 plz sent me regarding information .

  16. sir,
    this is raviteja i want my mobile to change from t24 to docomo .
    can i do it from home by siting infront of the system .
    because of the call charges provided by the docomo i want to switch
    it sir please leave a replay to me sir
    thanking you
    your customer .

  17. I’m switching from Aircel to Docomo,lets see what they will offer.Anyways thanks for the info.

  18. dear sir
    i have airtel number i want to move in reliance
    have you portability offer in reliance
    my numer is 9971610540
    plz sugguest me

    Thanks & Regard

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